Our Goal
To create a sustainable society through communication and education.
Think the Earth is an NPO founded in 2001 under the theme, "ecology and economy in coexistence." Since then, we have created new values by bringing together a truly diverse array of sectors and talents from companies, governments, NPOs, educational institutions and the creative community to launch projects that help realize a sustainable society.
Believing that curiosity is what drives action, we have continued to develop a wide range of content, media, events, workshops, etc. that touch people's minds and hearts.
The first challenge we tackled was changing "society's indifference." Our inaugural project and starting block of our organization, the Earth Watch "wn-1" was a functional watch with a strong message that gave people an astronaut's view of the Earth from space. We strived to create a "Product" with a high level of perfection that would also encourage people who purchased the watch to take part in Think the Earth, to learn about ways they can contribute to realizing a sustainable society, and to spring to action.
Society is becoming less and less indifferent. Particularly after the Great East Japan Earthquake, many people in Japan have begun to show interest in society, the environment, and in the future. Looking beyond Japan, in 2015, 193 countries and regions agreed on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Recently, working together with people who have great interest in social and environmental issues, we gave shifted away from creating "products" towards creating "people." In a rapidly changing world, people who can think and act long-term are becoming increasingly important.
1. Passing down to future generations sensitivities as beings that inhabit the Earth and the importance of the Earth
It was only half a century ago that mankind acquired the ability to look at the Earth from space. Bequeathing to coming generations the importance of this sight that had a decisive impact on mankind's view of society and the future is our biggest mission.
2. Bringing together various sectors and promoting collaboration
In the 21st century, the population on this finite planet will surpass 10 billion. For mankind to survive, we must amass our knowledge and overcome many hardships. In this light, Think the Earth will promote collaboration between companies, NPOs, government administrations, and educational and research institutions.
3. Creating a society where ecology and economy coexist
We believe that business activities and social, environmental activities can be mutually inclusive rather than exclusive. That is why since our foundation, we have remained committed to Creating Shared Value (CSV*1), working with many companies and NPOs to generate economic value whilst also contributing to society and the environment. The challenges faced when creating businesses help nurture talent with a different perspective and the necessary experience.
4. Sharing information and educating the public about environmental and social issues (CEPA*2, ESD*3)
We develop content, media, and projects, and organize training, workshops, etc. With a creative approach that touches hearts and minds, we will undertake communication and educational activities that fuel curiosity.
*2: CEPA = Communication,Education, Public Awareness
*3: ESD = Education for Sustainable Education
Our Organization
Name of Organization:General Incorporated Association Think the Earth
Founded:February 19, 2001 (Registered as a General Incorporated Association on October 5, 2011)
Address:9-10-6R01 Daikanyama-cho Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0034 JAPAN
Tel +81-(0)3-3464-5221
Chief Director
Seiichi Mizuno
Board Members
Mitsuhiro Miyazaki, Kazufumi Nagai, Kenji Shiratsuchi, Kentaro Konishi, Soichi Ueda, Susumu Furukawa
Shinichi Kamitsu
Communication Advisors
Masahiro Kawatei, Osamu Fukushima, Susumu Namikawa
Office:Naoko Soga
Coordinator:Mariko Harada
Public Relations:Miwako Sasao
Communicator:Ayako Sakurada, Rika Sueyoshi, Ryobun Santo
Staff:Asami Matsumoto, Hideyuki Arifuku, Miho Kazama, Suzuki Takaaki, Yukinori Sakurai
Overseas:Asaka Kaneko(UK), Mayumi Ikai(France)
Developed plans and concept for the "Earth Watch," which provided a view of the Earth from space and served as a tool for thinking about the planet
Co-developed a working model of the "Earth Watch" with NTT
Began developing the analog version of the Earth Watch "wn-1" with Seiko Instruments
Launched website
Official launch (February 19, Copernicus' birthday!)
Press announcement of the launch (Tokyo, London)
Also began accepting orders for the Earth Watch "wn-1" and participated in Baselworld
Launched our web media, "Think Daily"
Published the collection of documentary photographs, "One Hundred Years of Idiocy"
Organized the "Peace Ball Campaign"
Published the visual book, "GLOBAL CHANGE in ONE SECOND"
Launched the "Water Planet Campaign"
Published the visual book, "Using Your Wallet to Change the World"
Began developing the au mobile phone application, "live earth"
Published the calendar picture book, "ecoyomi"
Unveiled and began distributing the au mobile phone application, "live earth"
Took part in the EXPO 2005 AICHI, JAPAN
Opened the online shop, "Social Design Market"
Began offering digital globe content, "Earthrium"
Published the visual book, "Climate Change +2℃"
Special TV program, "GLOBAL CHANGE in ONE SECOND" was broadcast (TBS)
Published the visual book, "Stories of Biodiversity"
Published the calendar picture book, "ecoyomi 07-08"
Launched the Earthcommunicator program
TV program series created based on the book "Using Your Wallet to Change the World"
Co-hosted the "Sustainable Japan 2007" with Asahi Shimbun
Published the visual book, "Stories of Water"
Published the book, "Earth Report"
Published the visual book, "GLOBAL CHANGE in ONE SECOND part 2"
Published the calendar picture book, "ecoyomi 3"
Published the visual book, "TABEMONOGATARI – 7 stories about our diet and environment"
Began organizing the "Mizunogakko (Water School)"
Produced the digital planetarium visual content featuring "Stories of Biodiversity" and "Stories of Food" in time for the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10)
Established the Great East Japan Earthquake Think the Earth Fund
Organized the 10th anniversary event, "Earthling 2011"
Launched the project, "We Will Not Forget"
Established the "We Will Not Forget Fund"
Launched the Toyota "AQUA SOCIAL FES!!"
Published the "Green Power Book – Introduction to Renewable Energy"
Launched the "Green Power School"
Published the "One Hundred Years of Lunacy" (with cloud funding)
Showcased visual content on "GLOBAL CHANGE in ONE SECOND" at the 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT Exhibition, "Measuring"
Organized the "One Hundred Years of Lunacy Exhibition" at 3331 Arts Chiyoda
Organized the "Mizunogakko (Water School) – at the Sea"
Organized the "One Hundred Years of Lunacy Exhibition" at the Kyoto University of Art and Design Galerie Aube
Renewed website
Launched "SDGs for Schools"
Published the "Goals to Transform Our World -SDGs Idea Book"
Published the "SDGs Action Book Kanagawa"
Organized the "Super Cultural Festival"
Published the "SDGs Action Book Saga","SDGs Partner Book Kanagawa"
Published the English version of "Goals to Transform Our World -SDGs Idea Book"